63 Seaview Rd, Liscard, Wallasey, CH45 4QW
0151 691 1783
Use our online store to see our products, place your orders, upload your images and receive updates of when your prints are ready to collect.
Using our Multi-Functional Printer, we can scan any number of pages at various sizes and have them printed out in mere minutes.
Bring in your building plans either on negatives or USB for scanning and printing to scale.
Since founded, CS Digital has always held the ability to ensure your Facsimile's are delivered on time,
without fail thanks to our cutting edge Multi-Functional Printers.
We can also send
an e-mail for you if you want?
We regularly stock most MF Printer toners and inkjet cartridges. With a vast supply of office stationary for all your document needs, usually on offer. Come visit us and have a browse.